Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So Long Hippies!

As a die hard Cal bears fan I have been monitoring the tree squatters situation for a long time. It looks like a final decision will be made tomorrow. Today, instead of catching up on Barbri assignments that I have gotten behind on, I did some hippie watching. It was much more fun that doing the crim MBE questions that are waiting for me. As I was watching the cops try to cut zip lines and the hippies wailing, a random high school kid walked by and asked what was going on. When someone explained the struggle of the tree squatters, he asked the funniest question I ever heard: are they paying rent? Ha! I wish.

I am tempted to pack my lunch and spend the afternoon watching the police finally evict the tree squatters once and for all. The suspense of what the judge will decide tomorrow is killing me. No matter what, tomorrow is moving day.

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