Thursday, May 08, 2008

This Happens To Good People?

When I graduated from college I didn't expect to be one of the first of my friends to get married, and I wasn't. That distinction fell to my friend Michelle who had dated another member of our group of friends. As I went on one dating disaster after another, she had a life that I envied. Her husband was sweet, smart, and dependable, and she had two adorable boys. Together they would go on camping trips and I would live vicariously through the pictures she posted on her blog of them happily hiking through the woods. I thought she had everything I wanted, until now.

I just found out that her husband had an affair with a woman that eerily looks much like Michelle. In addition to telling my friend that he no longer loves her, he also left her for the other woman. I feel terrible for my friend and really can't comprehend how something like this happens. Those two have been together for so long and they have children together. How can someone just walk away like that? It really has shaken my world. To add insult to injury, her soon to be ex-husband brings his sons around the other woman and she says things like, "your mom is ugly". How can a man that promised to love, honor, and cherish her in front of all his friends and family do something like this? How can anyone ever be sure that something this awful won't happen to them as well? My world is rocked.

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