Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I can't explain it but I am starting to get obsessed with the bar. Maybe I feel like I will be in greater control of my destiny if I know all the deadlines and important information. In any event I have come across some great resources. Below is some very helpful information for 3Ls to keep in mind. Don't be scared. Knowledge is power. (At least that is what I am going to tell myself)


Registration with the Committee of Bar Examiners: Students must register with the California Committee of Bar Examiners as a law student. You likely did this during the first 90 days of our first year of law school. If you did not, you can still register, but you will be charged a late registration fee. Students can register on-line through the California Bar web site, www.calbar.ca.gov.

When: First year/NOW
Cost: $92 + late registration fee

Website: http://calbar.xap.com/Applications/CalBar/California_Bar_Registration/default.asp
Application for the Determination of Moral Character: A positive moral character determination is a prerequisite to being admitted to the bar and practicing law in California. The filing of the moral character application begins the process of character investigation which generally takes four to six months to complete, but could possibly take longer.

When: Now (at least 8 months prior to date you expect to be admitted to practice law in CA)
Cost: $431
Website: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/state/calbar/calbar_generic.jsp?cid=10115&id=3084

The California Bar also requires that all applicants to the practice of law be fingerprinted. Applicants are required to submit fingerprints through the Live Scan system with the application for Moral Character Determination. A list of agencies providing the Live Scan fingerprinting service can be found at the California Attorney General - Department of Justice website: http://ag.ca.gov/fingerprints/publications/contact.htm.

Multi-state Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE): This examination is administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and is one of the requirements for admission to practice law in California (and in all but 3 of the other U.S. jurisdictions). The next test date is March 8, 2008. The regular registration deadline for the March MPRE will probably be in January. Note: It is necessary that you request that NCBE report your score to the California Committee of Bar Examiners.

When: Register in January; take exam in March (if not already completed and passed)
Cost: $55 ($110 for late applications)
Website: http://www.ncbex.org/multistate-tests/mpre/guidelines/dates/ and https://secureweb01.act.org/mpre/goFaq.do

Bar Examination Application: Students graduating from law school must file an application to sit for the bar examination in California.
When: Application available March 3, 2008; timely filing April 1, 2008
Cost: $529
Website: http://calbar.xap.com/Applications/CalBar/California_Bar_Exam/default.asp (this website is for the February Exam, but should be updated after the new year for the July Exam)

Laptop Certification: If you plan to use a computer for the essay portion of the exam you must apply for laptop certification. There are a number of steps that you’ll have to follow in order to register with the exam software. The link below is to the Feb. 2008 bulletin. There will be an updated bulletin for laptop users that will post for the July 2008 exam. Keep your eyes out when you complete your bar examination application in the spring.

When: March? (I think this application is available when you register to take the bar)
Cost: $119 ($15 late fee)
Website: http://calbar.ca.gov/calbar/pdfs/admissions/GBX_laptopbull.pdf

Testing Accommodations for the Bar Examination: Students who have received examination accommodations while attending law school must petition the Committee of Bar Examiners to receive accommodations for the Bar Examination. Students may petition the Bar any time after having registered with the Bar, and the Committee of Bar Examiners strongly encourages students to file their petitions no later than the beginning of the last year of study.

When: NOW, if applicable.
Website: http://calbar.ca.gov/state/calbar/calbar_generic.jsp?cid=10115&id=1015

Comply with California court-ordered child or family support obligations (if applicable): Applicants who have met all other requirements but who have been certified by the State Department of Social Services as being in non-compliance with court ordered child or family support will not be certified to the Supreme Court as qualified to practice law in California unless the appropriate release has been obtained.

When: NOW, if applicable.
Website: www.calbar.ca.gov

State Bar Admissions General Information: http://calbar.ca.gov/state/calbar/calbar_generic.jsp?cid=10115
Summary of Requirements for Admission to Practice Law in California: http://calbar.ca.gov/state/calbar/calbar_generic.jsp?cid=10115&id=3922
Bar Examination Information (for Feb. 2008 bar – to be updated):
Additional information and the application form can be found under Bar Exam Admissions at www.calbar.ca.gov.
Scholarship from ABA: http://www.abanet.org/lsd/bar-bri.pdf


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


With the holidays arriving it is time to start making tamales.

First you start with a good salsa...

And then the meat...


Monday, November 19, 2007

At Least You Don't Have to Ask "You Want Fries With That?" For a Living

The California Bar Results went public on Sunday and I was stunned by how many of my friends did not pass. Even more confusing was the fact that there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to what happened. People who are double H magnets failed while people that didn't even show up to class their entire 3L year passed. It makes me more than a little nervous about my future.

So far I have avoided calling any of my friends that failed because I am at a loss for words. Theoretically I feel like even if you fail the bar, all is not lost. Given the hellish things I have lived through, I think there are worse things in life than failing a test which can be taken again. I still think my friends who have gone to Boalt are blessed and have a bright future ahead. Nonetheless, I know that I have not experienced the hell that is bar preparation yet and my own words probably wouldn't bring me any comfort if I failed too.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

19 Hours Away

In a mere 19 hours a bunch of my friends will find out if they passed the bar. I truly hope they all passed and that Friday night will be a time of celebration for most if not all. I can't even imagine what it must be like to wait for the bar results. It seems particularly crappy for the California State Bar to make them wait until 6pm when the scores are obviously available earlier in the day. I seriously doubt that anyone waiting for their results is going to be productive at work anyway.

It is actually a little scary to watch all my friends worry and stress about getting their results. Unfortunately, I'll be in the same place this time next year.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Next Year

Ok, I know it is super late for a Halloween post, but I totally found what I am going to be next year. A chola! Bet my law firm will love me showing up looking like this...(hat tip:http://loteriachicana.net/)

Sunday, November 11, 2007


A friend of mine at Hastings told me that there was a suicide attempt there this past week. When I heard the story it made me wonder what could possibly push someone literally to the edge? It seems like sometimes the atmosphere of law school obscures what is really valuable and important in life. Although Boalt is less competitive than other similarly ranked law schools it is still easy to lose perspective. It is easy to devalue yourself and all your previous accomplishments when you don't get the highest grade in the class for the first time in your life. In particular, I remember feeling very insecure last year during OCIP as the wave of rejection letters steadily poured in. One of the things that helped me most was remembering to be thankful for all the good things in my life. And while I don't think writing down a list of things you are grateful for is a suitable solution for someone troubled enough to consider taking their own life, it is probably something most of us can benefit from. There really are so many things to be grateful for. Here is a list of some of the things I am grateful for:

1. Have the love and adoration of a wonderful guy
2. Have a roof over my head (this is especially nice considering the rainy weather)
3. I get to graduate from Boalt before Dean Edley jacks up the price again! (Sorry 1Ls & 2Ls)
4. Have On-Demand cable which means I never have to stop watching TV
5. Have great friends who enjoy chocolate and gossip just like me
6. Already have a good job to go to after graduation
7. Don't have to study for the bar for another six months

Monday, November 05, 2007

Did I Just Get Punked?

I woke up early Saturday morning and made my way to the MPRE testing center. The place was crawling with 3Ls with Barbri books stuffed under their arms. As I sipped on my coffee I made small talk with some of my modmates who were also taking the dreaded test. None of us really studied because everyone says that the MPRE isn't that difficult. In fact, I have more than one friend who has bragged about how they studied for one day and drank the night before the test. So as I cracked jokes and tried to figure out what schools various people were from, I had no idea what I was in for.

In fact, once I found my seat after a long and disorganized process of checking in, I had the nerve to feel calm. I even ignored the crazy girl behind me who was heckling the proctor for taking forever to get started. Still, I was a little surprised that this girl yelled out for the proctor to shut up and get the test started. I was also surprised that some people actually clapped once we were about to get started. Talk about lame. I hope none of those people were Boalties.

As I broke the seal on my test I thought for sure my cursory Barbri class had prepared me enough to pass. I was so wrong. That test was so difficult. Under the best circumstances I could narrow down the choices to two answers. But mostly I just had to guess and hope that everyone else was struggling like me. I haven’t found anyone that said that test was easy. I think I might as well re-register for the March test now to get a good test center.

Friday, November 02, 2007

So Easy To Say Goodbye

As I get closer to graduation I am surprised at how little nostalgia I feel about my time in Berkeley. I can't wait to get out of here. From dirty hippies living in trees to the nazi parking death squads, I am so over Berkeley. While cities like Oakland and San Francisco still give me plenty to be happy about, I can't find much to like about Berkeley. I am really ready to move on.