Sunday, November 11, 2007


A friend of mine at Hastings told me that there was a suicide attempt there this past week. When I heard the story it made me wonder what could possibly push someone literally to the edge? It seems like sometimes the atmosphere of law school obscures what is really valuable and important in life. Although Boalt is less competitive than other similarly ranked law schools it is still easy to lose perspective. It is easy to devalue yourself and all your previous accomplishments when you don't get the highest grade in the class for the first time in your life. In particular, I remember feeling very insecure last year during OCIP as the wave of rejection letters steadily poured in. One of the things that helped me most was remembering to be thankful for all the good things in my life. And while I don't think writing down a list of things you are grateful for is a suitable solution for someone troubled enough to consider taking their own life, it is probably something most of us can benefit from. There really are so many things to be grateful for. Here is a list of some of the things I am grateful for:

1. Have the love and adoration of a wonderful guy
2. Have a roof over my head (this is especially nice considering the rainy weather)
3. I get to graduate from Boalt before Dean Edley jacks up the price again! (Sorry 1Ls & 2Ls)
4. Have On-Demand cable which means I never have to stop watching TV
5. Have great friends who enjoy chocolate and gossip just like me
6. Already have a good job to go to after graduation
7. Don't have to study for the bar for another six months

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