Friday, April 28, 2006

Huelga (Strike) on MayDay

I have been watching all the debate on immigration and haven't said too much about it because I have been a little self absorbed with the impending doom of finals upon me. However, I have to say I was really surprised when Dean Ortiz sent out the email allowing people to join the MayDay strike in support of immigrant rights. Although I'm sure there are divergent opinions about her decision, ultimately I feel like her decision illustrates why I chose Boalt over other law schools I could have attended. The action on Monday is going to be historic and I am glad that I don't have to choose my final over showing my support for something I feel deeply about. While immigration is a complicated subject, I am tired of hearing people talk about our immigration laws as if there are objectively just and the people breaking the laws should just play by the rules. The truth is that our immigration laws are confusing, convoluted, and second only to tax law in their arbitrariness. It is time to talk about the system and fairness. I am willing to concede that the current system needs reform, but that reform should not be driven by many of the racist undertones I have seen in immigration debate. Latinos along with other immigrants just want a chance to be a valuable part of this country; they should be given this chance.

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