Sunday, April 20, 2008

27 Days

It is starting to sink in that I have less than a month standing between me and studying for the bar. Despite having lots of friends that failed I am staying optimistic. Although I didn't get the highest score on the LSAT, I also didn't get the lowest score either. I know I have enough brainpower to pass. I don't have to have the highest score on the bar, I just want to pass.

I am also trying to get prepared. I have begun cleaning my house from head to toe so I can study comfortably. I am also trying to be more disciplined. Being a 3L has not inspired me to be very disciplined, but I certainly have relaxed during this last year.

I found an interesting blog that teaches you how to become more self-disciplined. I think I am going to do the 30 day challenge and turn myself into an early riser. It might be a little painful, but necessary. I have to be ready to ramp up a mere day after graduation since I will be doing PMBR.

1 comment:

Patrick Bageant said...

. . . for the record, the blog you linked may be a tad hokey, but yes, getting up early is the key to the world!

bourbon and benadryl will get you to bed on time . . . the rest is up to you.