Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Although finals seem far off on the horizon I have nonetheless started to feel the squeeze. Between having to finish my WOA brief that is absolute crap, and juggling the reading for all my classes I have been feeling overwhelmed. For the first time I am starting to feel like law school is getting the best of me and that I just can’t handle all of my classes. Ironically, I did not feel this stressed during the first semester. Was a meltdown inevitable? Does anyone else have days when you feel like your destiny includes a transcript full of Ps?

Sage words of wisdom welcomed.


Free as I Can Be said...

I could have written that post! This has definitely been the worst week since school began. The WOA paper killed me. At least I didn't have two mid-terms like some of the other 1L mods did. Now that sucks... I hope that this is as bad as it gets.

Antonio said...

You're not alone. I feel that way at this time every year. Everyone gets it, spring break and summer seem far off, you're tired, the brief is tedious, classes are dragging, and you don't want to eat out of the goddamned snack machine again. I go to record stores and just mindlessly flip through the stacks or I read a children's book. It helps to just put your mind someplace happy for a couple hours.

Mad.J.D. said...

Personally, I loved WOA. Seriously though, if you want practical advice to help lighten your load (and at the risk of being the devil on your shoulder), I suggest you pick the one or two classes you are the least likely to get called on in, and for a week or two, instead of doing the whole reading for those classes, get the briefs off Lexis or read Casenotes Legal Briefs. Just do this long enough to get your sanity back or finish your paper and then go back to being conscientious. The single most important realization I've had in law school is that YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ EVERYTHING. Honestly, my grades improved dramatically when I stopped trying to read all my assignments. I think it helps in stepping back and seeing the bigger picture of what your profs are trying to teach you.

Good luck.