Monday, February 20, 2006

New Lows

Although Valentines Day is now firmly in the past, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the horror of my Valentines Day. As many of the ladies of Boalt can attest, the choices we are faced with are less than ideal. Most of the women are beautiful, smart, accomplished while the men are not quite at the same level. Don't get me wrong, there are a few rays of hope walking around in the halls but for the most part the attractive men are married or in a relationship. So as a single woman I didn't have high hopes for valentines day to begin with. But then I met him. A cute grad student in another program who was taller than me, smart, and laughed at my jokes. Against my better judgment I allowed myself to think I might be doing something with a member of the opposite sex on V-Day rather than reading casebooks. We had drinks a few days before and I made sure I touched his leg, his arm, and gave him the eye contact that blatantly shows interest. We also had a few more long telephone conversations full of the deep thoughts that sow the seeds of infatuation. So when I called him and invited him to join me for drinks on V-Day I expected he would accept. Instead he told me that he was going to spend V-day studying at the library. Ouch. Not even a good excuse. I think law school is destroying my game.


Antonio said...

Arm touching and he didn't get it? I don't think it's your game, I think the library has diminished his situational awareness.
Text books rot your brain. It's a scientific fact.

Free as I Can Be said...

How refreshing for the "ugly people of Boalt" comment to be flipped around to the guys for once. :-)

Anonymous VC said...

Did you have game before you came to law school?

La Mitotera said...

Yes I had game before I came to law school. I think my forced vow of celibacy hasn't done me any favors though. It is my understanding men can smell desperation.