Monday, February 06, 2006

Love Is A Battlefield

My poor sister is experiencing the crushing devastation of breaking up with her boyfriend. It is times like these where you wish you could spare them the hurt and pain. I wish I could give her some words of wisdom to assuage the grief that she feels, but instead I spit out platitudes and listen quietly. I can't believe the loser actually gave her the whole "I need space" crap excuse. This of course is worse than other break-up reasons because there is no clean break. Instead it leaves a ray of hope that the break is temporary, which is usually much worse than saying it is over. Yep...the little jerk will keep her hanging and languishing while he makes a decision.

Strange as it sounds, hearing her spill her heart out about the situation took me back to my first heartbreak. I remember it being so intense and feeling like the world stopped turning. I never thought I would ever meet another person like him. (Thank God I was right!!) Of course it took me awhile to move from the mourning stage to the visceral hate stage, but I made the transition after many months of writing bad poetry and rebound date after rebound date. All this of course, is a long winded way of saying I understand how utterly terrible breaking up feels and just because it hasn't happened to me in a long time doesn't mean I can't relate. Hearing her get weepy made me wince and I wish I could kick the guy's skinny ass. After all, he has a lot of nerve dumping my sister when she is clearly cuter and smarter than him. I am unbiased of course. I feel like there should be a family violence exemption where I could get a few punches in with impunity. I feel like the "I need my space" excuse that leaves the other partner in relationship limbo demands that type of response.

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